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Kidz Holiday Programme

During the July  School Holidays, we run a Holiday Program for Primary School children. It was unable to be held this year due to the corona virus restrictions, but we aim to resume in 2021.

Activities include:

  • Active Games
  • Board Games
  • Christian Teaching
  • Craft
  • Refreshment Break.

For the past few years we have used programs developed by Scripture Union (SU).

To give a feeling for what we do, last year (2019) it used a Backpackers theme. There was plenty of exploring, fun and games, crafting, making and more, as the children journeyed through European cities paralleling Jesus’ travel from his arrival in Jerusalem. It explored the events of his last week on earth – helping them  to understand his journey to death and his glorious resurrection. Over the week, some 20 children were involved.

In 2018’s program the theme was “Team Builders”.  A sporting theme analogy was used in a fun environment to focus on awesome stories from the Bible (including Joseph, Moses, Esther, Jesus and Paul) – each one giving children the opportunity to see what life is like on God’s team, and inviting them to join his team for themselves! The Aims as stated by SU may be viewed here.

In previous years (2016 and 2017) the program was “Guardians of Ancora Treasure Seekers” (see synopsis below).  An  ‘APP’ game is still available in both the Apple and Google stores which will enable you to go on the adventure and discover the treasures for yourself.

Ancora – the City of Hope – is built on a hill next to the sea. At the summit stands the Spire of Light which lights up the whole city. The stories of the saga (the Bible) are told here every day and the power of the story telling fuels the light in the Spire. Each story is represented by a ‘treasure’ stored in the Hall of Memory, the setting for the holiday club.
Many of the treasures are missing and the children  – as Guardians of the treasures – went on quests to help find them so that the stories that have been lost can be told again. Inter alia, these previously hidden story treasures included the key times in Jesus’ life on earth: Christmas, Good  Friday and Easter.