As one of our readings today we have one of the most loved verses in the Old Testament: Isaiah 43:1 ‘But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine.’ Isaiah goes on to say that the Lord will be with his own through the waters, through the rivers, through fire and flame and they will be protected. Some find these words so comforting that they have them on bookmarks or fridge magnets, on plaques on their walls or heavily annotated in their wellworn bibles. Some read these words and say, but you didn’t stop this from happening, or that one from dying. What’s the point of a promise like this? None of us live in a protected bubble where nothing bad ever touches us. Some seem to struggle through one thing after another in their lives, and others through very little, but all experience tragedy in some way. Amongst Christians as amongst everyone else this is true – so where is the practical application of a word like this? If we read these words carefully, we will see that God promises to be with us through the water and fire. He doesn’t promise that water and fire won’t come. He says these things will not drown us, not burn us, not consume us, because he is with us and we are precious to him. This does look like an unreal promise at first sight but this is a promise about his protection over our lives which is fulfilled in the eternal life given to all who believe. Even if we die, we live forever in Jesus. Saved by grace through faith in our God. The promise as a whole is about God’s intent to gather all who are his to himself. It is a promise of his presence through the storms of this life and of his eternal presence with us as we enter into life with him when this one ends. It’s not so much about a forcefield to protect us from disaster as armour to go with us through the battle and assured victory whether the battle goes well or not, because he has a hold of us and will not let go. These beautiful words of reassurance are not ‘pie in the sky’, they are solid, unwavering support all the way through anything that happens now to life forever in God’s love.
This Week:
SUNDAY: | Holy Communion, 8.45am |
Family Service, 10.30am | |
MONDAY: | Prayer Group, St Marks, 9.15am |
Contact: Janice | |
Bible Study Group, St Mark’s, 4.00pm (On Hold Till Advised) | |
Contact Kevin (0438 234 457) | |
TUESDAY: | Zoom Prayer Meeting, 1.30pm (On Hold Till Advised) |
Contact John (0421 426 156) | |
Zoom Bible Study Group, 7.00pm | |
Contact: Graeme (0490 664 843) | |
WEDNESDAY: | Holy Communion Service – 10.00am |
Philharmonia Cologne concert at St Mark’s | |
at 7.00pm (Not 8.00pm). | |
Bible Study Group St Mark’s,11.00am (On Hold Till Advised) | |
“Women of the Bible” Contact Kevin (0438 234 457) | |
Cuppa, Craft & Chat Group. (On Hold Till Advised) | |
Contact Robyn (0409 425 044) | |
THURSDAY: | Men’s Coffee & Chat, Blackthorn Café, 10.00am (On Hold Till Advised) |
Contact Steve (0437 984 679), Keith T (0413 319 327) | |
or Kevin (0493 234 457) | |
FRIDAY: | Janice’s DAY OFF |
NEXT SUNDAY: | Holy Communion, 8.45am |
Family Service, 10.30am |
Regular Worship Times
SUNDAY: | 8.45am | Holy Communion |
10.30am | Family Worship with Children’s Ministry | |
(Holy Communion – 1st Sundays) | ||
6.00pm | Healing Service – 1st Sundays | |
WEDNESDAY: | 10.00am | Holy Communion |
Parish Contact Details
Monitored contact points | 0493 280 691 | | |
Parish Web Addresses | |
Facebook page | |
Pastoral Care Coordinators | Kevin and Anne Cranwell (0438 234 457 Kevin) |
John and Helen Rogers will be performing Joseph Haydn’s Clock Symphony transcribed for four hands on one piano. The performance will be at 11.00am on Saturday 18th January at St John’s Anglican Church, Flinders. The event will be part of the church’s Annual Fete.
Bookings are now open for the Philharmonia Cologne concert at St Mark’s on Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 7.00pm (Not 8.00pm).
Tickets are only available through: (not through the Information Centre). If you wish to book but have difficulty accessing the website, please see Janice.
Fellowship Meals in January…
Everyone is welcome to come along to the January Sunday Family Meals at 6pm with their own meal and drink.
Meals will be hosted at the homes of:
12 January – Cheryl and Graeme
19 January – Janice
Australia Day 2025…
A reminder that Australia Day is Sunday 26th January and we will have a combined service at 9.30am in the front gardens (weather permitting).
Harvest Festival & Shrove Tuesday Celebrations…
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Meal) – 4 March. Harvest Services – 30 March (usual service times).
This Week’s Prayer Focus
In our country and the world:
- For those affected by the current challenging weather conditions in Australia.
- For all women in Afghanistan now banned from hearing each others voices.
- For those facing homelessness, hardship, anguish and despair amid rising costs.
- For all in Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine and Myanmar.
- For families affected by violence.
- For those affected by natural disasters in around the world.
- For King Charles III, the UK and the Commonwealth.
- For peace and unity in countries around the World.
- For aid agencies such as “Save the Children”, Oxfam, CARE, UNICEF, World Vision.
In our community:
- For teachers and students.
- For doctors, nurses, paramedics, Coast Guard, the CFA & SES.
- For local community outreach groups such as the Dromana Community House and “Food for All”.
In our Diocese and beyond:
- For Archbishop Geoffrey Smith’s ministry as Primate of Australia.
- For Archbishop Philip Freier’s ministry in the Diocese of Melbourne.
- For the ministry of Bishop Paul Barker in the Jumbunna Region and Archdeacon Rev’d Sam Bleby, in the Frankston Archdeanery.
- In our Deanery, we pray for the parish of Mornington & Mount Martha Church, and their Vicar Rev’d Colleen Clayton.
- For the work of the Church Missionary Society and Wei-Han the Victorian Director.
- For Anna Radkovic our CMS Link Missionary in Watamu, Kenya.
- For Christian churches around the world to be free to worship and be witnesses of the love of God as shown through the coming of His Son.
In our Parish:
- For our leadership and ministry teams.
- For Rev’d Janice O’Gorman.
- For the finances of our Parish.
- For our Parish, its people and those we reach out to every week.
- For the success of the new Family and Children’s Ministry.
- For the next Alpha program, the leaders and all who will attend.
- For the 9am at home prayer time for the Parish, Dromana & Mornington Peninsula.
- For our Op Shop staff and all who visit each week.
- For all members of the newly elected Parish Council.
- For Hope25. That the Good News of Jesus will be known in the community of Dromana.
- For Richard & Alyson McNeill at the loss of their daughter Sallie, Nikki, Jason, Bernadette & family, Noel and family, Joan R & family, Rhiannon, Richard, Pat, Lorna & Peter, Keith S, Harry, Jen, Mike, Chloe, Ted, Monica, Jessica, Audrey, Backy, Fred, Robert, Jan, David, Guy.