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Last Sunday we gathered for a fun fellowship afternoon of games during which there was a bible quiz. One question was, ‘Who gave the Ten Commandments to Israel?’ I knew the answer that was needed was Moses, but my heart wanted to say, God the Father! You see, certainly it was Moses who handed these remarkable commandments to the people of Israel and taught them about honouring the Lord through the Law, but the commandments really came from God who wanted to a relationship with them. In our Gospel reading today, Jesus is making a similar point. The people, who had just witnessed the feeding of the 5000, are looking for more bread. They have followed Jesus across Galilee and are asking lots of questions. Jesus is aware that they are not really seeking God but are after full bellies and sensational signs. So when they quote the Old Testament to him about Moses giving the people manna in the desert, Jesus replies, ‘Truly I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.’ Of course, the people are very happy to have bread from heaven and say that’s what they want always, but Jesus was talking about himself. ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty,’ he says. That’s a divine turn around. It’s clear that Jesus is making the point that he came down from heaven. To us it’s also clear that he is speaking in spiritual terms when he describes himself as the bread of life, but the crowds didn’t understand this. The whole discourse here in John 6 turns on this phrase. Life is not about the things we can see and taste and touch. It’s not about experiences and amazing encounters. Life is about Jesus. He brings us life and sustains our lives. He satisfies the heart that is hungry for God and wants to have meaning, truth and purpose. He quenches the thirst for love because he is love. The invitation is to be filled with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Now that’s a feast I’m up for – and nobody is allergic to this bread.


This Week

SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am
Healing Service, 5.00pm
MONDAY: Prayer Group, St Marks, 9.00am – 10.00am
Contact: Janice
Bible Study Group, St Marks, 4.00pm
Contact: Kevin (0438 234 457)
TUESDAY: Zoom Prayer Meeting, 1.30pm
Contact John (0421 426 156)
Zoom Bible Study Group, 7.00pm
Contact Graeme (0490 664 843)
WEDNESDAY: Holy Communion, 10:00am
Bible Study Group St Mark’s,11.00am
Book of Esther” Contact Keith S (0419 551 082)
Cuppa, Craft & Chat Group. St Mark’s, 12.30pm
Contact Robyn (0409 425 044)
THURSDAY: Women’s Bible Study, St Mark’s, 9.30am
“Revelations” Contact Fay (0401 404 280)
Men’s Coffee & Chat, Blackthorn Café, 10.00am
Contact Steve (0437 984 679), Keith T (0413 319 327)
or Kevin (0493 234 457)
NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am

Regular Worship Times

SUNDAY: 8.45am Holy Communion
10.30am Family Worship with Children’s Ministry
(Holy Communion – 1st Sundays)
6.00pm Healing Service – 1st Sundays
WEDNESDAY: 10.00am Holy Communion

Parish Contact Details

Monitored contact points 0493 280 691
Parish Web Addresses
Facebook page
Pastoral Care Coordinators Kevin and Anne Cranwell (0438 234 457 Kevin)


Thank you..

Thank you to those who assisted with afternoon tea for the funeral of Alwyn Bond.

Men’s Breakfast…

The next Men’s breakfast will be on Saturday 17th August 8.30-10.30am. Egg & bacon roll and coffee / tea plus good conversation all for $7.
Plenty of time to think and pray about who you might ask to come along. (Bacon is gluten free. If you require GF bread we would appreciate you bring some, please) RSVP Steve Parkinson 0437 984 679 by 12th).

National Grandparent Movement..

National Grandparent Movement – Started by the Rev Ian Barnett, an Anglican Evangelical minister. “What is the faith legacy we are leaving behind?” The National Grandparent Conference will be held on Sat 31st August at St Paul’s Castle Hill Sydney. The conference livestreams from 0900 to 1630 on the 31st. Six key speakers, plus interviews and worship music presented by City Alight. To attend the livestream more details can be obtained from Cheryl and Graeme King.

This Week’s Prayer Focus

In our country and the world:

  • For those facing homelessness, hardship, anguish and despair amid rising costs.
  • For all in Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine and Myanmar.
  • For families affected by violence.
  • For those affected by natural disasters in around the world.
  • For King Charles III, the UK and the Commonwealth.
  • For peace and unity in countries around the World.
  • For aid agencies such as “Save the Children”, Oxfam, CARE, UNICEF, World Vision.

In our community:

  • For teachers and students.
  • For doctors, nurses, paramedics, Coast Guard, the CFA & SES.
  • For local community outreach groups such as the Dromana Community House and “Food for All”.

In our Diocese and beyond:

  • For Archbishop Geoffrey Smith’s ministry as Primate of Australia.
  • For Archbishop Philip Freier’s ministry in the Diocese of Melbourne.
  • For the ministry of Bishop Paul Barker in the Jumbunna Region and for Archdeacon Helen Phillips in the Frankston Archdeaconry. Give thanks that Archdeacon Helen is now well and beginning to return to work.
  • In our Deanery, we pray for the Parish of Parish of All Saints Rosebud with St Katherine’s McCrae and their Vicar, Rev’d Lynda Crossley.
  • For the work of the Church Missionary Society and Wei-Han the Victorian Director.
  • For Anna Radkovic our CMS Link Missionary.
  • For Christian churches around the world to be free to worship and be witnesses of the love of God as shown through the coming of His Son.

In our Parish:

  • For our leadership and ministry teams.
  • For Rev’d Janice O’Gorman our Vicar.
  • For the finances of our Parish.
  • For our Parish, its people and those we reach out to every week.
  • For the success of the new Family and Children’s Ministry.
  • For the 9am at home prayer time for the Parish, Dromana & Mornington Peninsula.
  • For our Op Shop staff and all who visit each week.
  • For family of Alwyn Bond, Maggie D, Harry, Jen, Bernice, Mike, Pat, Joan R, Chloe, Ted, Monica, Jessica, Audrey, Backy, Fred, Robert, Jan, David, Guy.