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In Romans 8 Paul builds on the teaching of Jesus to Nicodemus in John 3 about Holy Spirit and how we are to become children of God through faith in Jesus. Jesus taught Nicodemus that Holy Spirit is the agent of the new birth which he had come into the world to bring, and the eternal life that results from the new birth is given, not through our striving, but through God’s gift of love for the world – Jesus’ giving of himself for us. We are to be born of the Spirit Jesus tells Nicodemus, and in the new birth is found eternal life. Paul now expands on what eternal life and this new birth mean. In the preceding passage Paul ensures that we understand that the Holy Spirit is given to those who believe in Jesus, and that the Spirit brings the life of Christ to live in us. As children of God we have been released from slavery to sin – we are forgiven for all we have ever done, can be forgiven for mistakes we may make now and although sin may still try to tempt us, we have God’s resources to step away from it. This gift of the Holy Spirit therefore brings us into a new birth as children of the living God and heirs of all that Jesus Christ is an heir of – namely life eternal with the Father and the Spirit. The Kingdom of God is ours through this miraculous gift of God, and so we are not citizens of the world any more, but citizens of God’s kingdom. Not only that but it’s our inheritance, kept for us until that day when Jesus comes back. Yes, the world around us can bring suffering, as it has for countless Christians before us and indeed for Paul himself. Yes, we are still in this world and are subject to the laws which humanity writes for the good or otherwise of our nation, but as God’s children we have the same Holy Spirit to help us through hardship, to intercede for us – speaking to the Father on our behalf, bearing witness that we are God’s children as our ‘Abba Father!’ is heard in heaven. In this assurance we can pray, read scripture and seek revelation, do good out of the love of Jesus within us, and endure all for the sake of showing the world around us that even in the darkest of times, we have the one true Light. As a church we will be participating in the Australia wide Hope25 initiative next year. Do you have a thought on how we can best reach out to Dromana?


This Week



SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon, St Marks’s, 2.30pm
MONDAY: Prayer Group, 9.00am – 10.00am St Marks
Contact: Janice
Zoom Bible Study Group, 7.00pm
Contact Graeme (0490 664 843)
TUESDAY: Zoom Prayer Meeting, 1.30pm
Contact John (0421 426 156)
Zoom Bible Study Group, 7.00pm
Contact Graeme (0490 664 843)
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study Group St Mark’s,11.00am
“Book of Daniel” Contact Keith S (0419 551 082)
Cuppa, Craft & Chat Group, St Mark’s, 12.30pm
Contact Robyn (0409 425 044)
Family Life Group, St Mark’s, 6.00pm
Contact: Janice
THURSDAY: Women’s Bible Study, St Mark’s, 9.30am
“Revelations” Contact Fay (0401 404 280)
Men’s Coffee & Chat, Blackthorn Café, 10.00am
Contact Steve (0437 984 679)
NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am

Regular Worship Times

SUNDAY: 8.45am Holy Communion
10.30am Family Worship with Children’s Ministry
(Holy Communion – 1st Sundays)
6.00pm Healing Service – 1st Sundays
WEDNESDAY: 10.00am Holy Communion

Parish Contact Details

Monitored contact points 0493 280 691
Parish Web Addresses
Facebook page
Pastoral Care Coordinators Kevin and Anne Cranwell (0438 234 457 Kevin)


Pleasant Sunday Afternoon – 26 May, 2:30-4:00pm at the church…

You are all invited to come and enjoy a time of singing your favourite hymns and songs. RSVP your personal invitations and give your hymn requests as soon as you are able – for gathering the music and practising. A simple afternoon tea afterwards will be provided. (no need to bring anything)

Op Shop…

Our Op Shop is a ministry of this parish to the wider community which Parish Council would like to see grow as a ministry, alongside its financial support of our work here. We have had some volunteers resign this week for various reasons and will be in need of others to assist. If you can spare some time to help, please see Edna South or another member of our Op Shop Committee: Vicki Brown, Lorraine Strickland, Richard Watson, Graeme and Cheryl King or Rev’d Janice.

Fencing & Security Project…

There will be pedestrian access gates at either end of the carpark so we can easily come and go on foot. Thank you to those who have contributed to the cost of the fence. We are still in need of donations. If you would like to make a donation towards this project, please put any cash into an envelope marked “Fencing/Security” and put it in the offering bag on a Sunday. We will provide you with a receipt and keep these monies aside for the project. If you wish to give to this project electronically, please speak to Janice as we are keeping these monies in a special account.

This Week’s Prayer Focus

In our country and the world:

  • For those facing homelessness, hardship, anguish and despair amid rising costs.
  • For all in Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine.
  • For families affected by violence.
  • For those affected by natural disasters in around the world.
  • For King Charles III, the UK and the Commonwealth.
  • For peace and unity in countries around the World.
  • For aid agencies such as “Save the Children”, Oxfam, CARE, UNICEF, World Vision.

In our community:

  • For teachers and students.
  • For doctors, nurses, paramedics, Coast Guard, the CFA & SES.
  • For local community outreach groups such as the Dromana Community House and “Food for All”.

In our Diocese and beyond:

  • For Archbishop Geoffrey Smith’s ministry as Primate of Australia.
  • For Archbishop Philip Freier’s ministry in the Diocese of Melbourne.
  • For the ministry of Bishop Paul Barker in the Jumbunna Region and for Archdeacon Helen Phillips in the Frankston Archdeaconry. Give thanks that Archdeacon Helen is now well and beginning to return to work.
  • In our Deanery, we pray for the Parish of St George’s Red Hill and their Vicar Rev’d Fiona Goy.
  • For the work of the Church Missionary Society and Wei-Han the Victorian Director.
  • For Anna Radkovic our CMS Link Missionary.
  • For Christian churches around the world to be free to worship and be witnesses of the love of God as shown through the coming of His Son.

In our Parish:

  • For our leadership and ministry teams.
  • For Rev’d Janice O’Gorman our Vicar.
  • For the finances of our Parish.
  • For our Parish, its people and those we reach out to every week.
  • For the success of the new Family and Children’s Ministry.
  • For the 2024 Alpha program, its leaders, and all who attend.
  • For the 9am at home prayer time for the Parish, Dromana & Mornington Peninsula.
  • For: Joy, Harry, Pat, Ilett family, Joan R, Chloe, Ted, Monica, Jessica, Audrey, Joan, Backy, Margie, Fred, Robert, Jan, David, Guy.