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Do you like fancy dress? I used to love it when I was young. I sometimes still yearn for the opportunity to dress up in costume and be able to hide behind the mask so I can be anonymous, at least a little. Masks and veils are often ways to hide, but sometimes they’re ways to show who we are. The nun wears a veil to cover her head and show her dedication to the Lord. The doctor/nurse wears a mask for protection of themselves and their patient. There are masks for delivering oxygen and masks for those diving in deep waters. Each mask has a purpose, and it’s important to understand what that purpose is. In Exodus Moses went up the mountain to meet with God and he took on some of the glory of God when he was there. This glorious glow was so bright that the people found it intolerable, so when he was talking with them Moses covered his face with a veil. The glory and holiness of God was too pure for those who knew they were sinners to look at or touch. Sometimes we turn away from God because we feel this sense of his glorious light and we are too well aware of the darkness in our lives. Immediately we find it hard to come close because we are afraid to be rejected. Paul is speaking of this issue in 2 Corinthians, reminding his readers that Jesus tore the veil in the temple in two and has made our access to the glory of God possible. We do not need to be afraid to be rejected if we come seeking him with open hearts. Paul sees us being like Moses, able to come face to face with God and being transformed by his glory, one step at a time, into the people he has made us to be. Since God did this, through his great mercy in sending Jesus for our forgiveness, we need to remember that we don’t get in by our own merit, but his. Yet there’s great comfort in this because he sees us completely, darkness and brokenness and all, and beckons us in anyway. What freedom there is in just being able to come as we are into the holy place and be loved as sons and daughters of God! No mask needed. Have you come to Jesus completely, or are you hovering by the door? Look up, see, you are being welcomed not rejected. Leave your mask and come.


This Week:

SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am
Healing Service, 6.00pm
MONDAY: Prayer for the Parish, St Marks, 9.15am
Contact: Janice
TUESDAY: Hope25, Zoom Prayer and Share, 1.30pm
Contact John (0421 426 156)
Pancake Tuesday, 5.30pm, Uniting Church Hall
Contact: Anne C
WEDNESDAY: Holy Communion Service – 10.00am
Bible Study Group St Mark’s, 11.00am,
Topic: “Proverbs” Contact: Janice
Cuppa, Craft & Chat Group. St Mark’s, 12.30pm
Contact Robyn (0409 425 044)
THURSDAY: Women’s Study Group, St Mark’s, 9.30am
Contact: Carol (0411 405 597)
Men’s Coffee & Chat, Blackthorn Café, 10.00am
Contact Steve (0437 984 679), Keith T (0413 319 327)
NEXT SUNDAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am

Regular Worship Times

SUNDAY: 8.45am Holy Communion
10.30am Family Worship with Children’s Ministry
(Holy Communion – 1st Sundays)
6.00pm Healing Service – 1st Sundays
WEDNESDAY: 10.00am Holy Communion

Parish Contact Details

Monitored contact points 0493 280 691
Parish Web Addresses
Facebook page
Pastoral Care Coordinators Kevin and Anne Cranwell (0438 234 457 Kevin)


You are invited to join us for Pancake Tuesday…

4th March 2025 at 5.30pm
Venue: The Uniting Church HallPoint Nepean Rd Dromana
Delicious pancakes Choice of toppings
Entertaining games (Gluten /Lactose free options)
$5 per person
RSVP is essential by Sunday 2nd March
Call, text 0493280691 or email

Hope25 Training Webinar: March 3rd at 7.30pm…

This training session is called “Six Types of Friends and the next step forward” and will be hosted by Julie-anne Laird.
To take part, register on: You will then receive an email with a link to log in at the appointed time.

Alpha is coming!!…

8th May – 28th June Who will you bring?… Details to follow

Harvest Festival Celebrations…

30 March – 8.45 & 10.30am, On the day, could you bring some seasonal fruit or vegetables (home-grown or bought)? Do you know a farmer who might loan bales of hay? Could you contribute with posters, bunting, autumn wreaths, etc – unleash your artistic talents and have some fun! We have a few cut-and-paste decorations – see Anne. Please bring your decorations to church by Sunday 16 March.

This Week’s Prayer Focus

In our country and the world:

  • For the people in WA’s northern coast as Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia.
  • For everyone affected by the Queensland floods.
  • For all affected by the worsening antisemitic attacks around Australia and the world.
  • For those facing homelessness, hardship, anguish and despair amid rising costs.
  • For families affected by violence.
  • For all in Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine and Myanmar.
  • For all women in Afghanistan now banned from hearing each others voices.
  • For those affected by natural disasters in around the world.
  • For King Charles III, the UK and the Commonwealth.
  • For peace and unity in countries around the World.
  • For aid agencies such as “Save the Children”, Oxfam, CARE, UNICEF, World Vision.

In our community:

  • For teachers and students.
  • For doctors, nurses, paramedics, Coast Guard, the CFA & SES.
  • For local community outreach groups such as the Dromana Community House and “Food for All”.

In our Diocese and beyond:

  • A prayer for the election of a new Archbishop for our diocese:
    Eternal God, shepherd and guide, in your mercy give your Church in this diocese a shepherd after your own heart who will walk in your ways, and with loving care watch over your people. Give us a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth. So may your Church be built up and your name glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  • For Archbishop Geoffrey Smith’s ministry as Primate of Australia.
  • For Archbishop Philip Freier’s ministry in the Diocese of Melbourne.
  • For the ministry of Bishop Paul Barker in the Jumbunna Region and Archdeacon Rev’d Sam Bleby, in the Frankston Archdeanery.
  • In our Deanery, we pray for the parish of St George’s Red Hill and their Acting Vicar..
  • For the work of the Church Missionary Society and Wei-Han the Victorian Director.
  • For Anna Radkovic our CMS Link Missionary in Watamu, Kenya.
  • For Christian churches around the world to be free to worship and be witnesses of the love of God as shown through the coming of His Son.

In our Parish:

  • For our leadership and ministry teams.
  • For Rev’d Janice O’Gorman.
  • For the finances of our Parish.
  • For our Parish, its people and those we reach out to every week.
  • For the success of the new Family and Children’s Ministry.
  • For the Alpha program, the leaders and all who will attend.
  • For the 9am at home prayer time for the Parish, Dromana & Mornington Peninsula.
  • For our Op Shop staff and all who visit each week.
  • For all members of the Parish Council.
  • For Hope25. That the Good News of Jesus will be known in the community of Dromana.
  • For Nikki, Jason, Bernadette & family, Noel and family, Rhiannon, Richard, Pat, Lorna & Peter, Keith S, Harry, Jen, Mike, Chloe, Ted, Monica, Jessica, Audrey, Backy, Fred, Robert, Jan, David, Guy.