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The idea of an enchanted place where the answers to life can be found is an eternal theme in humanity’s most loved stories. To escape seems logical, but we cannot escape this life without death – and that’s not a good choice, though death is a reality for all eventually – the answer lies in finding our way through the shadow and the storm. Where is that path? The Lord Jesus has told us, ‘I am the Way’. So rather than frantically looking for escape hatches, perhaps the way through is in the solid ground of following Jesus. Today we celebrate Jesus’ ascension to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. We celebrate because it is his return to the glory he knew before, it is the key to the sending of Holy Spirit who is the key to our connection to the Lord and to one another through faith, and because it signals the fact that Jesus will return, not as a baby, but in the glory of the only Son of the Living God. In the time between Ascension and Pentecost the disciples did nothing but pray, waiting in Jerusalem in obedience to Jesus’ words that he would send power when the Holy Spirit comes. We are waiting too, not for the Holy Spirit to come – we have that wonderful gift, but for Jesus’ return in glory. In the waiting we have trouble because we are in this world, and we must live here for now. Through Holy Spirit, Jesus brings us the power to do that. If we press into this relationship with him and grow in our knowledge of him, we will find in Jesus the ability to walk on through the darkness and the storm and to live fully even when we are surrounded by fear and difficulty because there we access the peace that comes from relying on the Lord Jesus who is with the Father and continually intercedes for us. We have this great gift, but this is what the world desperately needs as well. This is why Jesus called us to be his witnesses. Will you do it? What’s the story behind your faith in Jesus?

Write it down so when you’re asked you have a story to tell. Then be bold and ask Jesus to lead you to someone who needs to hear it.



This Week

TODAY: Holy Communion, 8.45am
Family Service, 10.30am
MONDAY: Study Group – “Truth and Freedom”
St Mark’s, 7.00pm
Contact Kevin or Anne (0438 234 857)
TUESDAY: Online Study Group,7.00pm
Contact Graeme (0490 664 843)
WEDNESDAY: Holy Communion, 10.00am
Study Group – “Truth and Freedom” St Mark’s,11.00am
Contact Keith (0419 551 082)
Craft Group St Mark’s, 12.30pm
Contact Robyn (0409 425 044)
THURSDAY: Women’s Bible Study, St Mark’s, 9.30am
Contact Fay (0401 404 280)
Men’s Coffee & Chat Blackthorn Café, 10.00am
Contact Steve (0437 984 679)
Zoom Prayer Meeting, 1.30pm
Contact John (0421426156)
NEXT SUNDAY: Pentecost Combined Service,
10.00am followed by a bring & share lunch
Wear red!

Worship Times

SUNDAY: 8.45am Holy Communion.
10.30am Family Worship with Children’s Ministry.
(Holy Communion – 1st Sundays)
5.00pm Healing Service – 1st Sundays.
(5th Sundays) 10.00am Combined Service.
WEDNESDAY: 10.00am Holy Communion Service.


Parish Contact Details

Monitored contact points 0493 280 691
Parish Web Addresses
Facebook page
Pastoral Care Coordinators Kevin and Anne Cranwell (0438 234 457 Kevin)



Combined Service – Pentecost Sunday

We will be having a combined service on Sunday 28th May at 10am for Pentecost Sunday with a bring and share lunch to follow.

Wear Red!

Childrens Ministry Family BBQ

Our Family & Children’s Ministry is officially kicking off

with a Family BBQ at the church at 12.30pm on Saturday 3rd June

St Mark’s Day Festival & Consecration Of New Windows

Archbishop Philip Freier will visit St Mark’s on Sunday 10th September to consecrate the stained glass windows. The weekend will take the form of a Patronal Festival for St Mark (whose official day was 25th April) and to celebrate our 130th Anniversary. There will be a Fete on Saturday 9th September, with visitors invited to view the windows and to attend the combined service the next day. Proceeds from the fete will be used to boost the Missions Fund for the support of Anna Radkovic our CMS link Missionary in Kenya. There is plenty of time to make preserves, plant cuttings, and work on craft projects to make the fete successful. There will be no Christmas Fete this year. Let’s make this weekend a great witness to our Lord and showcase our beautiful church. If you would like to work on craft projects in a group, the Common Threads Craft Group meet on Wednesdays at 12.30pm during term time. Contact Carol for more information (0411 405 597).


Special Services 2023

18-Jun-23 Evensong – All Saints, Rosebud
20-Aug-23 Evensong – St Mark’s, Balnarring
22-Oct-23 Evensong – St Mark’s, Dromana
3-Dec-23 St John’s, Sorrento – Lessons & Carols for Advent
17-Dec-23 St Mark’s, Dromana – Lessons & Carols for Christmas


This Week’s Prayer Focus

In our country and the world:

  • For those facing hardship and anguish amid rising costs
  • For families affected by violence.
  • For those affected by natural disasters in around the world.
  • For King Charles III, the UK and the Commonwealth.
  • For peace and unity in countries around the World.
  • For aid agencies such as “Save the Children”, Oxfam, CARE, UNICEF, World Vision.

In our community:

  • For teachers and students.
  • For doctors, nurses, paramedics, Coast Guard, the CFA & SES.
  • For local community outreach groups such as the Dromana Community House and “Food for All”.

In our Diocese and beyond:

  • For Archbishop Geoffrey Smith’s ministry as Primate of Australia.
  • For Archbishop Philip Freier’s ministry in the Diocese of Melbourne.
  • For the ministry of Bishop Paul Barker in the Jumbunna Region and for Archdeacon Helen Phillips in the Frankston Archdeaconry as she recovers from surgery, and for John as he supports Helen.
  • In our Deanery, we pray for the Parish of St George’s Red Hill and their Vicar Rev’d Fiona Goy.
  • For the work of the Church Missionary Society and Wei-Han the Victorian Director.
  • For Anna Radkovic our CMS Link Missionary as she spends time learning language and culture in Kenya while exploring long-term opportunities in discipleship ministry and conservation.
  • For Christian churches around the world to be free to worship and be witnesses of the love of God as shown through the coming of His Son.

In our Parish:

  • For our leadership and ministry teams.
  • For Rev’d Janice O’Gorman our Vicar.
  • For the finances of our Parish.
  • For our Parish, its people and those we reach out to every week.
  • For: Madeley family, Harper Family.